ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus who are experiencing turmoil…
Unleash God's POwer and presence in your life
Experience The Breath Of God and Ascend 
To Higher Levels of Spiritual Authority
Evil Winds
Replay for Day 1 Main session
April 23, 2024
Replay for Day 2 Main session
April 24, 2024
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to hear Melodie VanAlstyne 
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Dr. Myles' powerful prayer declaring war on Halloween and freedom from withcraft!
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Dr. Francis Myles
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Going ANY Further
From the Desk of Dr. Francis Myles
Are you searching for a game-changer against spiritual challenges or demonic attacks? 

Do you feel spiritually drained or under siege? You're not alone. 

Many face these invisible barriers, constantly fighting for a breakthrough that seems just out of reach. It's exhausting, isn't it? The relentless praying and battling, only to feel stuck.
What if I told you that it’s possible that unseen, demonic forces are at play, causing turmoil and destruction—a result of evil winds?

These malevolent forces, influenced by Satan and his agents, aim to hinder God’s purposes, leading to dryness and desolation. 

The aftermath of these turbulent winds often manifest as:
  • Broken relationships
  • Financial scarcity
  • ​Hindrance to spiritual growth
  • ​Or an overarching sense of discouragement weighing heavily upon you
But just as there are counterfeit winds sent by the enemy, there are also genuine, good winds sent by God.
These are not mere breezes but powerful gusts of divine intervention, ready to bring blessings, provision, deliverance, and much more into your life. They are the breath of God, designed to uplift, restore, and empower you, transforming desolation into abundance.

You no longer need to be at mercy of the enemy’s attempts to thwart your God-given authority or weaken your faith!  

That’s why I am more than excited to share the significance of these four good winds, preparing you to emerge victorious from spiritual storms.

If you are ready to revolutionize your spiritual walk, gain Biblical insights to wield the power of the good winds, and step into a new realm of spiritual authority, then I invite you to join me in…
Mastering The Four Winds
Mastering the Four Winds for Kingdom Advancement
The Role of the Winds in Life, Business, and Breakthroughs
9-Lesson Class with Dr. Francis Myles
Do you realize that winds hold more significance than mere natural occurrences?

These powerful, unseen entities could be shaping your life even without your awareness.

If you’ve felt engulfed in a whirlwind of calamity, like being trapped in the eye of a hurricane...
  • How would you like to be so in step with the Father that you hear His voice, sense His Presence, and feel His love 24/7?
  • What if you could eliminate striving and simply flow in full assurance of the Father’s adoration and approval?
  • What if you were so infused with God’s love that you “leaked”?
Or if you’ve found yourself navigating through a spiritual or financial drought...

It could be due to evil winds sent by the enemy to wreak havoc.

These malevolent gusts can leave you weary from relentless spiritual battles, feeling powerless and as though breakthroughs are elusive.

But those who grasp the mysteries of creation recognize that the wind is not beyond human control; it exists within our domain. 

The wind – the breath of God – is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. And as a child of God, you can command them to unleash God's power and presence into situations and atmospheres.
authority over the winds
In Dr. Francis Myles’ upcoming class, he unravels the mystery surrounding these four winds, unveiling Biblical strategies to harness their power for advancing God’s Kingdom and thwarting the enemy's schemes in your life, your family, and the world. 

If you're yearning for God to breathe new life into any aspect of your life and destiny – and if you're eager to gain empowering strategies for overcoming spiritual challenges, catalyzing transformative change, and ascending to higher levels of spiritual authority – then this extraordinary class is an opportunity you can't afford to miss!
In this class, you will:
  • Learn about the power of the wind and its significance in both the natural and spiritual realms.
  • Discover how God uses the four winds collectively to orchestrate miracles, while also uncovering how the enemy manipulates these winds for his own agenda.
  • Learn how to mobilize and command the four winds – North, South, East, and West – to neutralize demonic influence, invoke blessings, and usher in deliverance and restoration across all areas of your life.
  • ​Receive guidance on harnessing the combined effect of the winds.
  • ​Activate the winds as a weapon of spiritual warfare, empowering you to overcome adversity and opposition.
  • ​Receive activation and prayers aimed at unleashing the dynamic force of the winds for spiritual warfare and Kingdom advancement.
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Class Lessons
Overview of the “Mastering the Four Winds for Kingdom Advancement
9-Lesson Class

Course description by Dr. Francis Myles

Lesson 1: The Power of the Wind: The Dynamic Power of Wind in Creation and Its Role in Kingdom Advancement
Join Dr. Francis Myles as he unlocks the immense power and significance of the wind in both the natural and spiritual realms. Understanding the role and dynamics of the wind is crucial for believers in mobilizing it for Kingdom advancement and engaging in spiritual warfare. Drawing from Biblical references, he unveils how the wind serves as a potent tool by God to bestow blessings or unleash judgments upon individuals and nations alike. Discover the profound connection between the wind and the Holy Spirit, unveiling how the wind carries the very presence, power, and breath of God Himself. You will be equipped with unparalleled insight into the supernatural legitimacy of the wind, empowering you to mobilize each of the four winds and use your authority correctly through prayer and declaration.

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: The Four Winds: A Spiritual Profile of the North, South, East and West Winds
The four winds are seen as part of believers' inheritance, yet often manipulated by those in the demonic kingdom. By understanding and harnessing the power of these winds, you can counteract demonic influence, spread the gospel, and fulfill your God-given destiny. This lesson profiles the four winds: North, East, West, and South, each with unique characteristics and Biblical references. The North Wind carries the radiant glory of God Himself, the East Wind unleashes divine judgment and removes obstacles, the West Wind eradicates demonic attacks, and the South Wind unleashes God’s supernatural power. In this lesson, you will gain further Biblical examples of the four winds and become fully equipped to use your spiritual authority, commanding the winds and mobilizing angelic activity to thwart the schemes of darkness and usher in the breath of God with unprecedented power and clarity. 

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: The East Wind: The Wind of War, Violence & Divine Judgement
It’s crucial to gain spiritual discernment in recognizing the influence of spiritual realms, particularly the violent impact of the East Wind in bringing judgment, desolation, and dryness. Drawing from Biblical references, Dr. Myles unveils the secrets hidden within the nature of the East Wind, revealing its profound association with divine judgment and its potential to be weaponized by malevolent forces, bringing about dryness where there once was water. Get ready to cooperate with the East Wind to combat the enemy’s schemes and invite God to usher total restoration into every area of your life! 

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: The North Wind: The Wind of Increase & Productivity
In this lesson, Dr. Myles unravels the secrets of the North Wind, synonymous with the cold conditions essential for life's abundance. He unveils the myriad blessings that await those who dare to awaken and command the North Wind. From increased productivity and promotion to divine favor and angelic protection, the possibilities are endless for God’s children who harness its might. Prepare to be captivated as Dr. Myles delves into Scripture, unveiling the North Wind’s remarkable attributes, including its role in bringing God’s presence and refreshing rain, igniting revival, and fostering deeper connections with others. Armed with prayers of activation, you’ll be empowered to wield the authority of the North Wind, ushering in a wave of life, hope, and restoration that will revolutionize your life and community. 

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 5: The West Wind: The Wind of Deliverance & Refreshment
The West wind is described as a wind of refreshment and deliverance, bringing relief from war, starvation, and drought. Drawing from the rich tapestry of biblical narratives, particularly from the book of Exodus, Dr. Myles illustrates the West’s wind ability to bring relief from the shackles of war, starvation, and despair. You will gain insight into the West Wind's role as a mighty guardian, forging boundaries of divine protection against the onslaught of darkness. By mastering its activation, you'll unlock the gateway to divine refreshment and deliverance in areas where you've felt drained of energy, zeal, or passion. Prepare to witness the miraculous hand of the Almighty God as He breathes new life into your spirit and fulfills your deepest longings for restoration!
Lesson 6: The South Wind: Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Authority Over Natural and Supernatural Forces
The role of the south wind, in spiritual terms, is a carrier of God's power and a vehicle for transport and divine manifestations. Known as a powerhouse of supernatural energy, this wind is renowned for unleashing God's might into every corner of creation. It is also associated with thunder and is capable of calming high temperatures. In this lesson, you will delve into riveting biblical accounts, including the story of Elijah's ascension and Paul's perilous voyage in Acts 27. By the end of this lesson, you'll be empowered to harness the incredible power of your voice to unleash God's authority over any situation. Get ready to shatter the chains of darkness and witness miracles, breakthroughs, and divine interventions!
Wind that Moves Us Forward
Lesson 7: The Combination of the Winds: The Power and Purpose Behind Mobilizing the Winds for Kingdom Advancement
The winds don’t have to work separately. They may work even better when combined, yielding various effects–from restoring shattered relationships to providing supernatural provision, freezing out the works of the enemy, and beyond, the possibilities are boundless when you awaken the winds with faith and conviction. In this lesson, Dr. Myles delves into the captivating realm of combining the winds for unparalleled spiritual impact, emphasizing the dynamic synergy unleashed when the winds are awakened and united. You will discover the transformative effects of combining specific winds for targeted outcomes, explore Biblical examples of God's intervention through combined wind actions, and witness how the strategic combination of winds can dismantle the works of the enemy. 
Lesson 8: When the Four Winds Work Together: Transformational Change in Your Life, Business, and Spirituality
In this lesson, Dr. Francis Myles explores the significance and power of the four winds, drawing from Ezekiel 37 and other biblical references. He illuminates the profound truth that these winds represent nothing less than the very breath of God Himself. They are not merely abstract concepts but dynamic forces capable of bringing about resurrection and life in every area of your existence! Dr. Myles delves into the multifaceted aspects of the four winds, from stirring up and rejecting evil to executing judgment on nations and leaders. With each revelation, you'll be propelled deeper into the supernatural realm, equipped to wield the formidable power of the winds for Kingdom advancement like never before. 
Lesson 9: Activating the Four Winds in Your Life
This lesson will ignite your faith, priming you to unleash the unstoppable power of the four winds for spiritual warfare. Prepare to be equipped with detailed instructions and potent prayers tailored for each wind: harness the East Wind to bring forth divine judgment and shatter obstacles, awaken the North Wind to summon rain, boost productivity, and freeze the enemy's schemes in their tracks. Embrace the West Wind for a divine restoration and refreshing and tap into the South Wind's formidable power for deliverance and mastery over scorching circumstances. With unwavering faith and authority, you'll command the winds to sweep away every hindrance, paving the way for divine intervention and unparalleled breakthroughs. 
Feeling the wind
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How this class Works
Dr. Francis Myles has pre-recorded the 9 lessons in this class, so you may watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience.

Each lesson ranges between 30 and 45 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 9 main lessons:
  • ​Lesson 1: The Power of the Wind: The Dynamic Power of Wind in Creation and Its Role in Kingdom Advancement
  • ​Lesson 2: The Four Winds: A Spiritual Profile of the North, South, East and West Winds
  • ​Lesson 3: The East Wind: The Wind of War, Violence & Divine Judgement
  • ​Lesson 4: The North Wind: The Wind of Increase & Productivity
  • ​Lesson 5: The West Wind: The Wind of Deliverance & Refreshment
  • ​Lesson 6: The South Wind: Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Authority Over Natural and Supernatural Forces
  • ​Lesson 7: The Combination of the Winds: The Power and Purpose Behind Mobilizing the Winds for Kingdom Advancement
  • ​Lesson 8: When the Four Winds Work Together: Transformational Change in Your Life, Business, and Spirituality
  • ​Lesson 9: Activating the Four Winds in Your Life
Each lesson includes:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A transcript
Fourwinds 250x500
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 on Thurs, May 9 at 2 pm Eastern
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 on Thurs, May 23 at 2 pm Eastern
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–9 on Tues, June 11 at 4 pm Eastern (Note: Originally this was scheduled for Thurs, June 6 at 2 p.m. Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Dr. Francis Myles. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you process with others in the class and hear Dr. Myles answer member questions.

    It’s okay if you are unable to join a LIVE session, because we will post the replays in the class member area.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    60% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 9-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $1,000. However, you receive a $600 savings, making your price only $400.
    Cash Savings
    70% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by May 5)
    The normal retail price for this 9-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $1,000. However, you receive a $700 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    bonus book
    BONUS 2:
    Mastering & Mobilizing the Four Winds
    PDF Book by Dr. Francis Myles 
    (Must sign up by May 1)
    Get ready to unlock the supernatural power of the winds with Dr. Francis Myles!

    In his incredible PDF book, Dr. Francis Myles explores the power of the four winds - North, East, West, and South - for advancing the Kingdom of God. 

    With practical application and understanding of each wind's attributes, you can experience blessing, healing, restoration, and victory over evil.
    BONUS 3:
    Speaking to Creation: Harnessing the Power of Words to Influence the Natural World
    2-Lesson Class with Dr. Francis Myles
    (Must sign up by April 28)
    Are you aware that your words carry the power of God to command the elements of creation?

    In this 2-lesson class, Dr. Myles is going to teach you how to unlock the transformative power of your words and see supernatural moves of God in your life.

    Unleash your power and authority by speaking to creation with Dr. Francis Myles to see miraculous outcomes and divine interventions in your life today!
    bonus class
    bonus teaching
    BONUS 4:
    Prerequisites for Revival: Unlocking the Path to Personal and National Revival
    Teaching with Dr. Francis Myles
    (Must sign up by April 25)
    Do you long for a personal and national revival to bring change and growth in your life and community?

    Are you tired of feeling spiritually lukewarm and distant from God?
    Join Dr. Francis Myles on this transformational journey and unlock the keys to supernatural revival in your life!
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    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    9-lesson training
    • ​Lesson 1: The Power of the Wind: The Dynamic Power of Wind in Creation and Its Role in Kingdom Advancement
    • ​Lesson 2: The Four Winds: A Spiritual Profile of the North, South, East and West Winds
    • ​Lesson 3: The East Wind: The Wind of War, Violence & Divine Judgement
    • Lesson 4: The North Wind: The Wind of Increase & Productivity
    • Lesson 5: The West Wind: The Wind of Deliverance & Refreshment
    • Lesson 6: The South Wind: Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Authority Over Natural and Supernatural Forces
    • Lesson 7: The Combination of the Winds: The Power and Purpose Behind Mobilizing the Winds for Kingdom Advancement
    • Lesson 8: When the Four Winds Work Together: Transformational Change in Your Life, Business, and Spirituality
    • ​Lesson 9: Activating the Four Winds in Your Life
    3 LIVE interactive Q&A sessions
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 (Thurs, May 9 at 2 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 (Thurs, May 23 at 2 p.m. Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–9 (Thurs, June 6 at 2 p.m. Eastern)
    • 60% savings: $400 instead of $1000
    • 70% savings: $300 instead of $1000 (sign up by May 5)
    • Mastering & Mobilizing the Four Winds – PDF Book by Dr. Francis Myles (sign up by May 1)
    • Speaking to Creation: Harnessing the Power of Words to Influence the Natural World – 2-Lesson Class with Dr. Francis Myles (sign up by April 28)
    • Prerequisites for Revival: Unlocking the Path to Personal and National Revival – Teaching with Dr. Francis Myles (sign up by April 25)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME class access
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will empower you overcome spiritual challenges and experience transformative change!

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
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    Master the Four Winds
    Mastering the Four Winds for Kingdom Advancement
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    Blessings to ascend to higher levels of spiritual authority!
    Dr. Myles
    Dr. Francis Myles
    Francis Myles International
    Dr. Francis Myles
    Dr. Francis Myles a native of Zambia, had a powerful divine healing encounter with Jesus Christ. Since then, he has seen thousands of people healed through his crusades and meetings. Known as a great “revelator,” Dr. Myles has been gifted with biblical insight and revelation into many hidden mysteries of the Word. He has created The Order of Melchizedek Supernatural School of Ministry and is the author of The Order of Melchizedek and many other books. Dr. Myles is also the founder of Marketplace Bible International, designed to help Christians apply biblical principles to the marketplace. He and his wife, Carmela Real, reside in Franklin, TN.
    Mastering the Four Winds for Kingdom Advancement
    Copyright 2024 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.